Drive Media House Wins 12 Awards in the Cincinnati 48 Hour Film Project
Having the privilege to create things in our line of work is incredible but getting to create things and receive recognition is even more fun. You've probably seen our past blog about why we decided to enter the 48 hour film project but what's amazing is that after we wrote that, we found out that our film took home 12 awards in Cincinnati including best film. There were about 20 films entered into the contest--it was incredible to see our city rise to the challenge. Being in a room full of fellow local filmmakers at the awards show was humbling and inspiring to say the least. Our little film titled "Lessons in Accidental Magic" will now go on to represent the Cincinnati film community at Filmapalooza in Seattle in 2017.
Lastly we'd just like to thank everyone who helped create this film from crew to cast and the many family members that put up with us mysteriously disappearing for a weekend. Our awards included:
- Best Special EFX
- Best Location Sound
- Best Sound Design
- Best Music/Song
- Audience Choice B Runner-up
- Best Use of Genre
- Best Script
- Best Cinematography
- Best Actor
- Best Actress
- Best Directing
- Best Film